TROP Foundation – About Us
TROP Foundation was set up in framework of Grupa TROP. We are the practitioners in initiating personal and social changes – we have an extensive experience in the development and execution of the effective know-how in the following fields: trainings, programs that initiate change, development of the organizational cultures, social changes.
Our activities are based on the original TROP Methodology© which is the consequence of more than 20 years of the proficient experience in the educational and consulting marketplace. TROP Methodology© is a multidisciplinary approach rooted in Humanistic Psychology (Carl Rogers), Managing the Learning Organization (Peter Senge) and Systems Thinking.
The aim of our Foundation is to link closely the theoretical knowledge with authentic pragmatism – Learning By Doing on the Individual, Team and Organizational level.
“We seek for effective solutions in order to provide true engagement and meaning of sense.”
What do we do?
Know-how Development in Learning by Doing process. While working on organisational and social change programs we develop new know-how and do-how.
- We prepare made-to-measure organisational and social change programs and implement them.
- We evaluate organisational and social change programs.
- We draw conclusion.
- We develop know-how.
- We publish new knowledge.
Promotion of know-how, ideas and social initiatives by:
- social action
- conferences
- social campaign in traditional and social media
Development of the Training Staff in cooperation with Grupa TROP. We:
Our ideas:

Healty stress

Working with Meaning of Sense
We work for:
People – the quality of their personal and professional lives and, in particular, in their meaning of sense and engagement

Teams – their rewarding cooperation, synergies and ability of team self-learning
Organizations – their development and organizational cultures rooted mainly in flexibility, openness, customer-focus and employee-ownership

Widely understood Organizational Environment and Stakeholders
TROP Methodology©
„An individual cannot be taught actually. There can be only conditions created that enable and support individual’s learning process”.
TROP Methodology© is a profound way to support development of people, teams, organizations and their stakeholders. TROP Methodology© is an effective and repeatedly verified method of providing stimulation to activity in people’s professions and environments which objectives are:
Activation and integration within professionals’ networks
Building of social capital in local communities
Social activation, preventing unemployment
Implementation of social initiatives
Preventing marginalization of social groups
Positive change within social systems, education, public health etc
Resolving and managing social conflicts
Building of social networks connected by common goals
Building of modern business, non-government and government organizations
TROP Methodology© is based on 3 Pilars:
- Striving for Integration of Systems
- Learning By Doing
- Development Driven by Values
What is Action Learning?
It is organized, multidisciplinary process of knowledge-sharing and common learning as well as the process of creation of solutions and making effective decisions. The true cooperation between people is the basis for the process.
Action Learning can be fulfilled on the individual or team level. The latter one operates through working out the process of setting up goals and their deployment by all team members. Action Learning applies also to the organizational level. Then the whole concept lies in deploying the learning process at the organizational level, the selection of groups and their priorities.
Working with TROP Methodology resembles the contexture or fixing of social network as it works through bringing together the pieces that used to be unassembled before the process. One must remember that the large amount of energy is essential to be put in the integration process and small inattention may annihilate the whole learning process.

Models for Striving for Integration of Systems:
- Model of Change Levels©,
- Model MUD©, WiReD© and 3 Networks Model©
Models for Learning By Doing:
- Educational Situation©
- Learning Cycle by TROP Methodology©
Models for Development Driven By Values:
- TROP Chart of Values©: Development, Dialog, Meaning of Sense, Creative Activity, Subjectivity, Cooperation Based on Empathy, Appreciation, Efficiency, Social Capital Building
TROP Methodology© values:

Working with Meaning of Sense






Social Capital


Different forms of TROP Method©:
Training and workshops
Trainings and team coaching as nondirective development form for groups between 3-20 people based on groups dynamics
Individual coaching as nondirective form of individual development process
Meeting conferences, bigger educational forms joining elements of seminars, lectures, workshops and trainings
Co-solving sessions, with their method of seeking for resolutions in the group whose team members have different or contradictory interests, but the same common, wider goal
Action Learning programs and sessions that include whole programs of building learning organizations
Conciliation processes in conflictable conditions between people, teams and organizations
The programs focused on organizational culture development based on building true partnership, engagement, ownership, open communication, constructive dialog and valuable customers relationship
Evaluation of all above processes
Programs of Social and Professional Activation
Programs of social and professional activation led by TROP Group with its methodologyNo Results Found
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Our Team

Jac Jakubowski
For over 30 years the coach, trainer-supervisor recommended by the Polish Psychological Association. The Head of the Trainers’ Council of the Polish Psychological Association. Visionary and social innovator in the field of education and supporting those who ‘want to want’. Source of inspiration for hundreds of trainers and leaders in Poland. Author of the concept of the first Polish School of Trainers (founded twenty years ago), which evolved into the largest School of Business Trainers conducted within Grupa TROP. Supervisor and mentor in School of Business Trainers, Coaches and U!Leader. Member of Ashoka. Initiator of numerous socially important activities in favour of the inter-generational dialogue.

Justyna Zacharuk
Company manager, Coach and Business Trainer, sales teams’ leader, psychologist
Since seven years, she has been involved in trainings dedicated to companies. She prepares training programmes taking into consideration the perspective of the individual employee, the team and the whole company. She is experienced in customers’ needs analysis and in trainings evaluation. She is the recommended second degree trainer working with TROP Method and first degree trainer of Polish Psychologists’ Association. She holds the first degree certificate of coaching work using TROP Method. Her experience exceeds 2.000 hours of training. She co-participates in preparing and leading projects dedicated to sales representatives, managers and trainers. She works with companies in order to change the company culture. She leads and organises the work of trainers’ teams.

Dorota Szczepan-Jakubowska
For over 20 years business psychologist, trainer, coach, mentor, trainer-supervisor recommended by the Polish Psychological Association, moderator. Founder of the first Polish School of Business Trainers (16 years) and the School of Coaches (8 years on the market) and the School Mediation Organizations, School Leaders Action Learning, U! Leader.
Co-author and tutor of the TROP Method. She carries out coachings and trainings for top managers. She mainly uses group coaching and action learning methods. She specialises in mediations.

Joanna Mirkowska
Financial Director
My responsibilities at the Grupa TROP include providing nice atmosphere by boosting enthusiasm and good energy. At the same time, I do not forget to care for the financial aspect of the company.

Andrzej Blikle
Professor, mentor, advisor
I am Professor of Mathematics specialising in computer science and a member of Academia Europea. In the years 1970-1990, I was a lecturer at the University of Warsaw, the Berkeley University (USA), the Kopenhagen University and the Technical University of Denmark, Linköping University (Sweden).

Jola Czernicka-Siwecka
Founder of the ‘Iskierka’ Foundation
I have been working for non-governmental organisations for 20 years. I founded the ‘Iskierka’ Foundation in 2006. It is committed to helping children with cancer, improving their quality of life, and engaging artistic, local-government and business circles to provide aid by showing them mutual benefits.

Maciej Baryłka
Trainer, coach, mentor
I’ve been involved with the Grupa TROP for 10 years. I supervise the content of the School for Coaches organised by the Grupa TROP and the development of those who obtain certificates enabling them to work with the TROP Method. I specialise in perfecting managerial, interpersonal and negotiation skills, building relationships with business partners, delegating, negotiating, building and managing teams and implementing changes.

Dariusz Kropacz
Consultant, Business and Sales Trainer
I have been working in business and sales for more than 15 years. I specialise in preparing and executing workshop programmes for managers and the sales force of business market. I support individual development when taking care of perspectives of the team and the whole organisation. I have graduated from the School for Business Trainers organised by the TROP Group and from the School for Trainers, of Business Psychology and of Coaching. I have also graduated from the Academy of Coaching CoachWise and participated in the U!Lider School at the TROP Group.

Marietta Banach-Surawska
Coordinator of Trainer, Coach and Mediator Specialisation within the TROP Academy
I deal with recruitment and look after participants during their learning process. I am responsible for communication and PR of the TROP Academy. I care about atmosphere conducing to learning and exchange of knowledge and experience between participants of TROP Schools.

Maciek Trawka
Programmer, IT Specialist, Trainer
My duties at the TROP Group mainly include IT support, creating and managing the website and databases. I have been introducing technological innovation within the TROP Group for more than two years. I try to improve the company’s functioning. I have been involved in the functioning of the ‘Trainers’ Activity Support Network’ Association.

Joanna Niekraszewicz
Evaluator, coach
At the TROP Group I mainly deal with evaluation both at the conceptual and the operational level: I help create innovative evaluation using the TROP Method. I have evaluated workshop programmes organised from the EU funds and business projects. I coordinate and prepare workshop conferences ‘Tropem Jakości’.

Paulina Wójcik
Marketing and Promotion Coordinator, trainer
My element is to create, to incite to act and to seek new perspectives. At the TROP Group I coordinate marketing matters, look for new partners to cooperate in various fields and care about the online image of the TROP Group. I used to support business projects as well as internal and external communication with the Trainers’ Activity Support Network (graduates of the TROP Group).

Sonia Jakubowska
Trainer, Consultant at the Change and Development Department: TROP for Business
Working as a trainer and coordinator of workshop projects is my passion. I am responsible for creating new workshop solutions which would contribute to the development of individuals, teams and whole organisations. I deal with business programmes ‘Tropem Jakości’ aimed at building organisational cultures geared to participation and quality management.

Urszula Nowak
Project coordinator, trainer
I was bitten by TROP during business train-the-trainer and change management training. Main focus of our cooperation is project management in frame of Project New Generation of Farmers with Danone Fundation.
All my professional experience is based on human resources management, project and training management and coordinating recruitment process. I gained, develop and verify my experience in international environment and in social engagement as a member of Pomerania Students` Coalition Foundation.
Partnerzy Fundacji
Grupa TROP
Bureau of the Foundation:
Working hours: Monday through Friday 9:00 – 17:00
Mailing address:
ul. Śródziemnomorska 17
02-758 Warszawa
Tel. 22 615 52 40